No surgery time, inexpensive compared to surgical procedures, no down time no wonder more men are coming in for Botox. Aging is as hard for men as it is for women, looking tired, stressed or angry is the thing of the past. More men now want a more youthful look without looking over done. If you’re starting to notice fine lines, crow’s feet and wrinkles on your face, it is very normal to think of Botox or fillers to help slow down the aging process. Brotox as some may call it is becoming extremely popular.
Before you get Botox on your face you’ll meet with Dr. Nojan Talebzadeh for a consultation. He will answer any questions or concerns, Dr. Talebzadeh will also go through with you the benefits of getting Botox. Botox will help you gain the appearance of a more youthful face. He will mark your face out on the treated areas needed. You will feel minimal pain as injected, slight prick or pinch as well as visible swelling, which lasts for ten minutes. Some may experience a headache afterwards which is perfectly normal. The results take a few days to show, usually after three to ten days. Once you see the results, you will feel more confident and youthful without looking overdone.
Contact Eastlake Cosmetic Surgery for more information to schedule your complimentary consultation.