Eastlake Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmelan for Hyper-Pigmentation

Do you want to get rid of your melasma, dark spots, age spots or acne pigmentation? Cosmelan might be the right choice for you. Cosmelan helps with depigmentation, also highly effective against skin blemishes of melanic origin. These treatments result from a combination of depigmenting ingredients that act on cells responsible for coloring the skin in order resolve you’re hyper-pigmentation production of melanin (the pigment responsible for spots), with peeling ingredients that will attenuate existing spots in the surface layer of skin, by increasing cell turnover and rejuvenating the skin.

In the first or second week after initiating treatment with Cosmelan you will already observe a remarkable improvement of the skin. Sensing the reduction of spots and treatment observed with an appearance of a brighter and rejuvenated skin.

Give us a call today to schedule your complimentary consultation regarding Cosmelan

Plastic Surgeon in San Diego/Chula Vista, CA
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